Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quick and Easy Breadsticks

From: The Sisters Cafe cooking blog
Servings: Family Size. Halfing the batch is still too much for Brad and I

I don't normally bake bread or rolls because I guess I have been intimidated by anything with yeast. (Don't ask me why, I don't even know.) HOWEVER, I tried these out and they are so simple and yummy that I am getting more and more encouraged to actually try more bread items. Enjoy! 

1 ½ cup warm water
1 Tablespoon yeast
2 Tablespoons sugar
3 ½ cup flour
½ tsp salt
Butter for pan

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add sugar and let it sit and bubble for a few minutes.
2. Add the salt and flour. Knead for 3 minutes.
3. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
4. Melt 3-4 Tbsp of butter and pour most of it onto a cookie sheet.
5. Roll dough to cover cookie sheet. Cut to desired width, then twist or lay flat on cookie sheet.
6. Brush remainder of butter on breadsticks and sprinkle with garlic salt, parmesan cheese, and parsley (or whatever seasonings you like).
7. Raise for 10-20 minutes. Preheat your oven to 375
8. bake for 20 minutes, or until golden.

You can roll them out to fit a cookie sheet and they will be pufffy and soft. If you prefer a thinner, crunchy breadstick roll them out to fit a cookie sheet and a jelly roll pan. Either way they are great!

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