Sunday, February 6, 2011

Orange Chicken

This recipe comes from my sister Allison, who got it from her roomie Laura, who "invented" it with her brother. Spiffy, I know.

1/4 cup Sugar
1TB + 1 tsp cornstarch
Orange Zest (not completely necesarry
2 cups Orange Juice
3 dashes Soy Sauce (to taste)
Red Pepper Flakes (to taste)

1-2 Chicken breasts chopped into bite sized pieces
about 1 cup of flour
1-2 eggs
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan stirring constantly until sauce thickens. TIP: whisk a little orange juice or water with the corn starch before you add it in with the rest of the ingredients to prevent the cornstarch from clumping.
1.Heat oil in Wok (you will need about 1/2 inch of oil)
2.Put flour and eggs in separate bowls
3. Coat chicken pieces in eggs then flour then put in heated oil
4. Fry until the chicken is golden brown and cooked all the way through (about 5 min)
5. Place cooked chicken in a bowl and mix with sauce until all the chicken is covered.
This is best served over rice. YUM!

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